Just the way I planned it. We all know the summer flowers don't last forever, but someone there is still a sadness when they are gone. Part of my master plan is to bring those gorgeous flowers indoors so you can enjoy them all year long. But really, what does it matter that you have a flower painting on your wall? In the big picture. Yes, it's pretty, but what is the lasting effect? Just image you wake up and are greeted by one of these beauties. What's the first thing you do? You smile. You are in awe of the beauty, the colour, the lighting. Guess what? Even on the grayest of days, you immediately feel better. What happens when we feel better? We smile more. We feel more confident. We greet our neighbours with a warm hello. We might even have a conversation with a random stranger. Who knows what could happen once you step outside feeling all happy. We have an impact in the world, we may not always know what that impact is. We may not have any feedback about how we influencing others around us, but influencing we are. My situation is unique because I often receive messages from clients once they have received their paintings. Like this one. This is the reaction from a client who was seeing her painting for the first time. It still brings tears to my eyes to take in this impact. Can you feel it to? The amazing connection she had to the painting that I painted for her. Does she feel different? You bet. Now just imagine what that feeling can do for a week, for a month, for a year. We might want to change the world around us but really not know how to do anything to create that change. I know for certain feeling good is one thing that we can all do, and it has a big impact on what's going on around us. Or this note from another collector of mine,,,,, Why am I sharing all this, partly for me to be reminded of the impact that I'm having and partly to share with you, what it's like to own one of my paintings. I really want to share beauty with others and by creating gorgeous paintings I have a way to do that. Right now, I have a special promotion going on. For my VIP email recipients, I'm sharing a $100 voucher to use towards their purchase. (Good until 11 July 2022) Would you too like to be a part of it. It's easy. Simply join my email list. Here is the link to do that. Maybe you'd like to see the pieces that are included in the Mid-Summer Clearance first. Before you sign up, because what if the paintings aren't any good. You don't want to sign up to a list if the paintings are bad. (They are not bad) Just take a look. Don't take my word for it. Yes, I can be a bit cheeky. Have a great day and let me know if you have any questions. You can message me here.
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June 2024